Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Shadow in the Past

A Shadow in the Past by Melanie Robertson-King

Old Scottish funeral rites, accusations of witch craft, and a young woman’s secret commitment to a lunatic asylum are all scenes woven into Melanie Robertson-King’s recently released  romance novel, A Shadow in the Past. A Shadow in the Past is a love story that will stay with the reader long after the last chapter is read.

I met Melanie at the Kansas Book Festival in Topeka, Kansas a few weeks ago. After reading her novel, I contacted her for some information to share with you.

Where did you get the seed idea for this novel?  “I’d been to Scotland two, possibly three, times before the seed really took hold. On my second trip, I was given a photograph of my grandfather and his first wife, presumably to commemorate their marriage in 1876. In the area where my father was born, there is also a derelict mansion that I fell in love with, so the seed was beginning at this point. Then I read an article in the Press & Journal about a school bus that had the wheels come off. Well, by then my imagination began to run riot and the seed was well and truly planted.

I’m getting detailed pictures of ceremonies conducted after the death of the grandfather.  They are so real, I feel I’m almost there. Were these researched, and if so, how? “Some of my research was done online and the rest in books. I bought the book, ‘Scottish Customs from the Cradle to the Grave.’ I also have a number of other books on the history of Scotland and the Victorian era so was able to use all of those resources to write many of the scenes in the novel.

“I’m also a member of the Aberdeen and Northeast Scotland Family History Society so was able to ask them questions, as well as other sources “local” to the area with an interest in history.”

What was your most vexing problem to solve in the novel? “My biggest problem was, I couldn’t just hop in the car and go check out places and talk to folks. I had to depend on my memories of the area, my photographs (thankfully, I always took lots of photos on my trips), and email.”

Thank you Melanie for a great romance novel.

Melanie Roberson-King’s book A shadow of the Past can be purchased from 4RVpublishing or from Amazon.  You can visit her web site at

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Speed of Dark

Autism is a scary word for most of us with only fuzzy ideas of what it is exactly. Retarded, nonverbal, strange might come to mind. How incomplete our ideas would be. Elizabeth Moon, a prolific author of science fiction, has used her many talents to put the The Speed of Dark reader in Lou Arrendale's body, as he meets the challenges facing him. Color, music, everyday phrased by "normal" neighbors and coworkers are confusing and sometimes incomprehensible. And someone has it in for him, personally. Others are pressuring, even threatening, him and his friends to be part of an experimental treatment for autism. Lou has many hard decisions to make and obstacles to overcome.
Ms. Moon writes with authority. Her autistic son was fourteen at the time The Speed of Dark was published in 2002. She was in touch with autistic children and adults for many years before writing this book and credits them with helping make Lou Arrendale, her main character, a real person dealing with his autism.
While The Speed of Dark is fiction, it reveals the world and the difficulties the autistic must face daily. It behooves us, his/her neighbors, coworkers, family, to better understand and be the supportive friend we all need at times.
This book is available in most of your favorite book stores and from Amazon (new, used, and kindle versions).

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cleansed by Fire by James Callan

Confession may be good for the soul, but Sammy's confession puts Father Frank between a rock and a hard place. Two churches have been burned. Sammy's confession indicates another will be torched. Father Frank cannot, for any reason, reveal what he knows or deduces from the heard confession. There are plenty of suspects, but which is the arsonist? As Father Franks works within the perimeters of church law to serve the community, his own life and church are threatened.
In Cleansed by Fire, James Callan has created an involved tale of mystery, romance, murder, attempted murder, and Christian ethics.
Cleansed by Fire is published by Pennant Publishing and can be purchased from Amazon Books both paper back and Kindle additions.

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Beyond Darkness

Jim Robertson, in his autobiography Beyond Darkness, shares with the reader his life before and after one of the events that changed his life. Though he walks in a physically dark world, Jim lives in an emotional and spiritual world of insight and joy.
A student asked Jim how much the accident changed his plans for the future. Jim thought about it maybe five seconds before replying. "Not a great deal," he said. "I can do most anything I want to do; I just do it in a different way."
After the accident Jim finished college,served in the Mississippi House of Representatives, taught at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, and at Northeast Texas Community College. He served as the Executive Director of the Habitat for Humanity Affiliate in Hattiesburg and travels as he pleases, visiting friends and giving motivational talks.
Jim's autobiography reveals his initial pain, anger and final acceptance of his blindness and how he eventually grew into the man he is today.
Beyond Darkness is a great read for anyone, but older teens, bumping into problems generally associated with adult life, will find hope and encouragement in Jim Robertson's life story.
Beyond Darkness was published by iUniverse ISBN 978-4401-3122-6
Beyond Darkness is a paperback and 176 pages.
For an autographed copy contact the author, Dr. Jim Robertson, 601 2686910

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